Monika & Aakaar


Some matches are arranged by family, but made in heaven! This was one such. Families blended in together by their worship towards lord krishna which coincidentally gave Monika & Aakaar their magical forever


Hints of bespoke decor, dancing, masti & an entry that made us awestruck set the tone for this fantasy La La land inspired Sangeet. 

Haldi - a tropical bonanza

Beaming with happiness and tears of joy, this haldi was a tropical escapade with a venue bathed in bespoke decor and beverages to beat the heat. Taking the element of joy to the next level, the Groom’s outfit was torn apart and he was drenched in love.


“The sparks of love” 

With divine intervention, chants & the vibration of brass bells, they exchanged varmala’s in the most surreal setting. A bird’s eye view for our guests who were left speechless at this magical sight of royal grandeur.


A dreamy couple entry inspired by Katrina’s phoolo ki chaddar in their gorgeous wedding ensemble. Monika & Aakaar were romance galore as they walked hand in hand to their royal Sheesh Mahal set up for their Grand reception.